hello myfellow citizens, welcome to my neocities.org domain! emphsis on domain. i,novice wizard/sorcerer quincy p. morris, will b ur host. plese enjoyurself while traipsing hapily through my interwebbery maze, and you. ay find urself newly wielding a marvel of enginerring~! watch ur step, ths site may break! funn facts abt me :}:

  1. i am Scared
  2. i lke transprent pngs, starng into th distance and quilts. also whimsy
  3. a sck guitar riff plays whenevr i entr a room
irl foto of wbmaster



1/12/25 hppy new year. does any1 here knw where to buy uranium

12/2/24 thy call me the tngue-eating louse (cnkersore)

11/26/24 i feel as if i were an underwater volcano. Ow.

11/25/24 god sves his hardest bttles for his soldiers who. sleep in. i am tired

11/20/24 help hw do i stop lking men