welcome to my recs!

this page is mostly for storing the various things i've found on the internet over the years, ranging from games to resources to websites. look through at your leisure!


a circle of charity (cw for transphobia and violence. one of the most memorable games i've ever played)
a dark room (rlly good text/browser game with loreeeee)
candybox (inspiration for a dark room. rlly like cartoonish vibes despite minimalist ascii art)
grillby's multiplayer game (looks really cool)


lena kiev's website (if ykyk. helps with my hyperfixation on medical transition. it's beautiful)


video essay covering trans 4chan culture and the manga inside mari (cw for transphobia, SA, mental illness and its symptoms. my favorite video essay ever)


pdf of grit by silas denver melvin
a poetry collection i like (big tw for eating disorders, mental illness, and big general tw for the last poem, it is DARK)
wikipedia page for the sonic hedgehog DNA protein


transgender dysphoria blues baby onesie